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Provet Cloud

Blogginnlegg skrevet av Provet Cloud

12 feb 2024

Ingen barrierer for behandling: Slik ble det opprettet en gratis veterinærklinikk i Norge for dyreeiere som ikke har råd til å betale

«Før vi fantes, hadde mange av disse menneskene og kjæledyrene deres ikke noe sted å dra.» Så lenge Caroline Holtet har vært veterinær, har hun...

18 sep 2023

Not alone on an island: How Provet Cloud helped rescue a new practice

"Provet Cloud goes further than I ever imagined when we started." Gæludýraklíníkin (GDK), a small but fast-growing veterinary clinic in Reykjavik,...

18 sep 2023

Beyond Vetvision: A Danish clinic finds new features (and familiar faces) with Provet Cloud

"One of the big reasons we switched to Provet Cloud is because we knew that the support would be amazing." Klarup Dyreklinik is a small...

18 sep 2023

Provet Cloud grows with PetenKoiratarvike.com

PetenKoiratarvike.com (eng: Pete’s Dog Supplies) is a Finnish full-service pet supply store that offers comprehensive services for both pets and...

18 sep 2023

Horse in the cloud: How an equine veterinarian in Denmark found more flexibility in Provet Cloud

“The fact that you know the system I’m going from and the system I’m going to…makes me feel safe as a customer.” Norets Hestepraksis is a small...

18 sep 2023

Better workflows and simpler everyday life when Motala Animal clinic switched to Provet Cloud

At animal clinics, an intuitive, user-friendly and efficient record system fulfills a key function for a smooth everyday life with a focus on the...

18 sep 2023

Why a small Danish clinic switched from Sanimalis to Provet Cloud

"Using Provet Cloud is like going into paradise." Dyreklinikken Viby SJ in Denmark, owned by veterinarian Niels Filtenborg-Barnkob, has been caring...

23 jan 2023

Hvordan en norsk dyreklinikk håndterte overgangen fra Vetserve til Provet Cloud

"Provet Cloud er det enkleste systemet å forstå og jobbe med. Det har vært en fornøyelse fra dag én." Lillehammer Dyreklinikk er den eldste...

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