A new version of Provet Cloud will be released on Wednesday 24th of November 2021. We have developed new features, implemented improvements on existing features and fixed bugs.
New Features
Manual payments
- We are introducing a new interactive page under Financial Reports where it will be possible to manage multiple payments and outstanding invoice amounts with a few clicks.
- This new feature will allow users to quickly apply multiple payments, for example from a bank statement to multiple open invoices. If the payment is less than the due amount, the payment will automatically be registered as a partial payment. If the payment is greater than the due amount, the payment difference will be transferred to prepayments (if prepayments is enabled).
Possibility to merge clients
- We are introducing the ability to merge client accounts. Within this release, all data except financial information can be merged. Similar to patient merge, the merged client account is archived, and details from the merged account are brought forward into the active client account. In a future release, the ability to merge financial information also forward will be made available as an additional setting.
Direct PDF printing with local (Windows) software
- When printing documents from Provet Cloud, the average workflow requires a few clicks to confirm the requested print action. To improve workflow efficiency, we are introducing the ability to print PDF documents with a single click. Additional setup is necessary and works best with Windows workstations. Additional information can be found on our support page.
Improvements to merge patients
- Patient merge functionalities have been improved and will behave similarly to client merge functionalities. It will now be possible to select information which will and won’t be merged forward.
Secondary owner name on invoices
- Previously we introduced secondary owner name fields to our client information details. A new department setting related to the invoice display behavior will be introduced in this release titled: “Include secondary owner name in invoice payer information”. If this setting is enabled, the secondary owner name is included in invoice payer information. It is located within department settings.
Export file improvements
- We have improved the visual of export files to include additional informational columns, improved the behavior of any blank columns, and removed excessive columns.
Save and add another
- ‘Save and add another’ functionality offered within consultations has been improved to better interact with multiple batch selections.
New special treatment: Microchipping
- Microchip placement has been added as a ‘special treatment’ option. This means when an item marked as a ‘microchipping’ procedure is added within consultation, an additional prompt will appear to record the microchip ID quickly and easily.
Password security improvements to login
- We have improved our user login password security to now include a locking feature. When a false password has been entered 5 times, the user account will be locked from further login attempts for 5 minutes.
Automatic scheduled reports
- We are introducing the ability to schedule a limited number of reports to automatically generate and send to a defined email address.
Tips & Tricks
Passwordless authentication
- Did you know that it is possible to login to Provet Cloud using a security key and a four digit code? You don’t need to remember a long and complicated password when switching between users can be fast and easy. Learn more about the passwordless login option by watching this video.
Business intelligence services
- Are you familiar with Provet Cloud business intelligence services? They are a great tool that support everyday veterinary business management as well as allow our users to access and leverage Provet Cloud’s business data information easier than ever before. Read more.
Useful features from previous releases
Patient weight shown in both lbs and kgs
Patient weights can now be viewed as lbs and kgs simultaneously by simply hovering over the patient weight in either lbs or kgs. An additional tooltip will appear with the alternative weight unit displayed.
Email capabilities from reminder tab
- It is now possible to email a reminder/vaccination status report directly from the reminder tab of a client or patient page. Simply click the row(s) you wish to include in the report and a toolbar with the option to ‘Send as Email’ will appear.
Esignature status
- Any forms transmitted to customers for Esignature now have a visual indication of the status of the form on the client or patient page under the ‘Form’ tab.
Remove $0 items from invoice user interface display
- Additional settings have been added to allow configuration of the invoice user interface for our users. Item types such as lab analysis carrying a $0 price have been requested to be hidden from the user interface for our users. This can now be configured in this way. The new settings are under department settings.