Automatic diagnosis linked to an item
Entirely new feature has been developed to support automatic diagnoses based on the items added into a consultation. Under the Settings → Items & Lists → Items you will find a new section called Item linked diagnoses. Under this section you will be able to create linking between the items in your system, and your department’s active diagnosis list. The linking is department specific, and it will also function for the items that are added as part of an item template. After the linking to the items has been done, the diagnoses will get automatically added and updated in the consultation when the linked item is added.
Super Search enhancements
The Super Search function has been drastically improved in this update. In addition to the previous client-, patient-, and item search, Super Search now facilitates searches for item templates and discharge note templates as well. The search, and its visual appearance was further enhanced by a filtering possibility for the different search categories. The search will allow you to first select the desired category filter, and will then display the results as usual, but only excluding the other categories from the search. When no filter is selected, the search results are still listed under their own category headings, which remarkably improves the view of the search results. The item price lookup, especially for medicines, was also upgraded by the display of the dispense and injection fees. We could say that Super Search is now more user friendly than ever!
Counter sale changes
Animal clinics and hospitals that sell products through counter sales would often need the access into the patient history, in order to view the items earlier sold for the pet. The previously unused space on the right side counter sale page has now been utilized by adding a table to display all the patients belonging to the client. The new table will become visible when the counter sale is non-anonymous, meaning, that a client is selected for the counter sale. The table will display basic information regarding the animals, and include a direct access to each patients history from the familiar book icon located next to the patients name.
Also some new settings were added for the counter sale functions. Department setting; Always require a patient for rows in non-anonymous counter sale, can be enabled when the clinic wants to ensure that all the non-consultation-items are being dedicated towards a patient before the invoice is finalized. This setting will also apply for counter sale items added to the invoice after a consultation. Department setting; Always require a veterinarian as counter sale responsible person for medicines, should be enabled especially in countries where medications are only permitted to be sold or handled by the veterinarian. This setting will force the selection of the veterinarian as the responsible person for the medicine invoice row, even if the counter sale is otherwise handled by another user.
Extra row to the invoice footer
A new setting was added for the invoice printout to; Show additional full width row of text on top of the footer, while using default or custom style footer. The additional row will allow users to input various types of additional information on their invoices. The settings for the new row can be found under Settings → Print Settings → Invoice → Footer.
Label printing for food and supplies
In addition to medicine labels, label printing is now also supported for food and supply items added through consultation, counter sale, or item templates! The new label types for food and supply are now available under the label printing integration settings. After defining the label templates in the settings, food and supply labels can be printed exactly as the medicine labels have been printed in the past.