What’s new – August 2023 (Provet Cloud release 1.108)
Take a look at what's new in our 1.108 release, August 2023.
Zoetis reference laboratory integration
An integration to Zoetis reference laboratories is now available in the US. If you want to order laboratory testing from Zoetis in the US, you can now create the order in Provet Cloud and receive results directly to Provet Cloud once the laboratory has processed the samples.
Watch our videos on how to enable the Zoetis integration and how to create referrals to Zoetis.
Treatment plans: Revert back to a treatment plan again
In the past, if you marked the planned item as “done” by mistake, there was no ability to revert that action from consultation item back to a treatment plan. You would have to delete the item and add a single plan. Now it is possible to restore any item that was accidentally marked “done” to a treatment plan item again. Watch a video to see how this is done.
Value this provides: Patient safety, error handling, better overview.
Integrated payment terminals: Important change to simplified payment workflow
As of the 1.107 release, the simplified payment workflow has been disabled for all credit card payments when using integrated payment terminals. This will solve discrepancies between payment and invoice dates and the resulting confusion in financial reports.
Why this change? The simplified payment workflow was not designed for use in conjunction with integrated payment terminals, so it is not 100% reliable when used in this scenario. Invoices are not always finalized when payments are made, which can result in different payment and invoice dates and cause it to appear that a payment has been backdated in the financial reports. To avoid this risk and ensure that transactions, invoices, and reporting remain compliant and consistent, invoices will need to be manually finalized as of the 1.107 update. This is quick and easy in Provet Cloud and removes any risk of reporting inconsistencies related to this problem.
Remember: this workflow has only been disabled when taking credit card payments using integrated payment terminals. For all other scenarios, the simplified payment workflow works reliably and will still be available.
“Import from Lists” process now includes account number field
We've added the account number field to the “Import from Lists” feature, which also now correctly enforces the department setting "Require account numbers.” This change is designed to support markets that utilize account numbers. Items that don't have an account number defined can create gaps and issues in accounting.
Note: the account number field is visible only if account numbers are in use (department setting). And the account number is a mandatory field only if the "Require account numbers" department setting is enabled.
Value this provides: Settings for account numbers are reflected correctly in the “Import from Lists” feature and make it easier to assign account numbers to new items created by importing wholesaler items to Provet Cloud. This also prevents items without account numbers from being added to Provet Cloud – as long as the relevant "Require account numbers" setting is enabled.
Department settings and “Import from Lists”: Removal of two settings and setting a default behavior for “Import from Lists”
We previously had two department settings that determined how the "Import from lists" feature interacted with existing items when updating pricing from wholesalers:
1. “Do not override item name on update”: This setting prevented the system from changing the names of existing items when updating pricing.
2. “Do not override units in the package on update”: This setting ensured that the units per package value for existing items remained unchanged during the update.
Both of these settings, along with the entire "Importer settings" section within the department settings, will be removed.
Moving forward, the default behavior of the "Import from lists" feature will be as follows:
1. It will not override the names of existing items.
2. It will not modify the units per package value of existing items.
When you go through the update process, you will have the option to manually edit the item name if desired. You will see the current name of the item in Provet Cloud as well as the name available on the wholesaler list. However, automatic overwriting of the item name will not occur.
It is important to note that the units per package value cannot be changed for products being updated in the future. This restriction is necessary to maintain the accuracy of stock data, as altering the units per package value would disrupt the stock information for a product.
Value this provides: Fewer settings in the system. Default behavior for updating wholesaler prices for products will be what 99% of our customers expect.
Fees for items: “Dispense fee” to be renamed “Handling fee” (1.108 or 1.109)
We are renaming the dispense fee to “handling fee” as it can be used for dispensed and administrated items.
Value this provides: Less confusion, simpler to understand.
Treatment items (medicines): Injection site added to the administration method information
When the animal is treated with medicine, there is a need to store the injection/treatment site as well. For example:the medicine was an intramuscular (IM) injection to the left side of the neck of the horse. For production animals, it is also important to be able to store the specific withdrawal period for the specific injection site. This development categorizes the administration methods and provides you with relevant injection/treatment sites. In subsequent updates, we will release new withdrawal periods connected to the injection site.
Value this provides: It’s easier to document injection site information in a structured way when it’s of legal or medical relevance to the case.
Triage: Custom statuses available for triage
We are making several improvements to patient status/vitals this year to improve consistency, usefulness, and to provide better opportunities for visualization. The first step is to make custom statuses available in the triage module. One of the next steps will be to make statuses/vitals species-specific instead of department-specific to allow us to show all on the patient page.
Value this provides: Your custom specific statuses can be used also when performing triage.
Status/vitals and treatment plans: Aligning functionality around status and vitals
As part of the bigger improvement project this year for status/vitals, custom statuses are also selectable when selecting which status/vital parameters the users should be prompted with to mark a food item as done.
Value this provides: If the clinic has custom vitals/statuses, they can now be used everywhere that status/vitals are used in the consultation.