A new version of Provet Cloud 1.96 will be released on Wednesday August 24th, 2022. We have developed new features, implemented improvements on existing features and fixed bugs.
Design updates for Provet Cloud
We’re always making enhancements to improve the Provet Cloud user experience. In August, you’ll start noticing some changes to the interface, including fonts, navigation and header components, and more. The changes are designed to create a smarter, more intuitive interface, optimizing space on the screen for easier navigation and completion of tasks.
For more information and the full update timeline, please visit our design updates page.
New Features and Improvements
A new option has been added to enable/disable vaccination expiry warning messages. The warning message is intended as a reminder to ensure the expiry date is recorded in the patient history and on certificates.
Effect group for the vaccination can also be defined by using age intervals after enabling the setting.
We also added a new option to mark vaccination as "Void" in the patient immunization tab. “Void” means that an item has been used from stock, but not received by a patient due to a human error or an accident. Void vaccinations are hidden from the patient records.
Species specific items
You can now find items more easily, thanks to the new species field added to organisation item. If one or more species are selected, this item will only be shown for that species in consultation item search.
Duplicate prescription
We have added a possibility to use an old prescription as a template for creating a new prescription.
QR codes
QR codes can be generated in patient and client labels and now also works as quick links allowing easy access from mobile app to the patient and client details.
New financing integrations
Added support for the Frakmenta (Spain) and Svea financing integrations.
Insurance claims dashboard
Insurance claims dashboard
- Filter by department
- Search by insurance company
- Search by insurance number
Item setting
A new setting "Hide on ordering search" has been added to Medicines, Supplies and Foods. This setting prevents reordering the selected product(s) while allowing the use of existing stock.
Release Information Page and Change Log
The “Release information” page in Provet Cloud – located under the User Menu in the top-right navigation – includes all the latest updates in the product change log. If you see a yellow dot next to “Release information,” it means new information on feature improvements is available.