What's New - February 2022
A new version of Provet Cloud will be released on Wednesday 23rd of February 2022. We have developed new features, implemented improvements on existing features and fixed bugs.
New Features
New organization level “Personnel Groups” for managing staff and auto-logout settings
- It is now possible to create personnel groups to organize users for use with additional functionalities. Continued developments and improvements will be ongoing to optimize personnel groups and related functionalities.
- Currently personnel groups will interact with auto-logout settings. The current developments will allow for defining a unique auto-logout idle duration based on personnel group. This allows for more flexibility to control your workstation and user access security.
- To define personnel group auto-logout settings, first create and edit personnel groups to preference from the user settings page. Then using the department/location specific auto-logout settings, define auto-logout rules for the appropriate personnel groups.
New patient referral section under the client and patient page
- We have added a new datatable for patient referrals under the Patient details tab on the Client and Patient page; There is also a new “Add” button located above the patient referrals table to quickly add or create new patient referrals directly from the patient’s page.
New item sales report filters (filtering by invoices)
- We have added a new filter scheme to the Item Sales report which allows filtering by the invoice number or date. Users can choose to filter by one or more invoice numbers with the “Invoices“ filter.
New credit note functionalities for the invoice report
- We have optimized the invoice report to include credit note information. Sales invoices and credit invoices have been separated into their own tables within the report for easier recognition. We have also added new optional credit note informational columns.
Improvements to the online booking confirmation and reminder message system
- Online Booking now has the same SMS / email reminders triggered as manually scheduled appointments. We have also changed the name ‘Confirmation email message’ to → 'Email message'.
New configuration option for the maximum number of automatic payment retries before the plan is suspended
- We have added a new setting to define a maximum amount of retries for recurring payments before a health plan is suspended.
- The setting can be found by following: Organization settings → Health plan → Maximum number of automatic retry attempts before suspending plan
Client ID column for invoice and payment reports added
- We have added a Provet Cloud Client ID column to both the invoice and payment reports. In Spanish markets an additional Client ID number column is available indicating a client’s government issued identification number.
Improvements to the laboratory workflow on consultations
- We have optimized the ‘Time’ column, accessible from within an ongoing consultation’s Laboratory Analysis datatable, to display both date and time. We have also added redirect attachments to the “Attachment” dropdown menu. In addition, a prefix containing the type of the attachment has also been added.
Improvements to the diagnosis report
- The diagnosis report now includes results from archived (inactivated) diagnosis lists. This is important in the event the active diagnosis list is switched to a different active list. Archived diagnosis codes will also be visible when filtering by diagnosis.
Written Prescription improvements
- We have added new written prescription template configuration options and a quick access written prescription print button on the invoice page. In addition, written prescription formatting for PDF prints has been improved.
Useful improvements from our previous releases
New invoice print setting to group by patient subtotals
- In our latest previous release, we introduced the ability to print invoices with items organized by patient assignment. This then allows for charges to be shown as patient subtotals. This setting can be found under invoice print settings.
Hide clients spending information on client and patient sidebar
- It is now possible to hide the client spending data from the highlights bar of the client/patient page. This setting can be found under department (location) settings.