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Provet Cloud grows with PetenKoiratarvike.com

PetenKoiratarvike.com (eng: Pete’s Dog Supplies) is a Finnish full-service pet supply store that offers comprehensive services for both pets and their owners both online and in its six stores around Finland.

- For many cats or dogs, a visit to the vet is a stressful experience. It is more pleasant to come to a familiar brick-and-mortar store than a clinic, and you often notice from dogs that they think they are here to get some treats. We wanted to make this a low-threshold service, because a visit to the vet can be stressful for the owner as well. It's always the same person in charge here, and the schedules usually work, says Heljä Laukkanen (pictured), the veterinarian at Pete's Veterinary Services in Pirkkala.

From puppy training to basic health care

The first “Peten Eläinlääkäripalvelut” (eng: Pete’s Veterinary Services) was opened in connection with the Tammisto store in Vantaa in May 2019. In June 2021, their veterinary services were also brought to Pirkkala and in August 2022, the Lahti clinic was opened.

The veterinarians' range of services includes, among other things, health checks and vaccinations for dogs and cats, prescriptions for tick repellants, microchipping for dogs and puppy check-ups, and the opportunity to practice visiting the vet with a puppy. An experienced veterinarian can advise on the right products for maintaining the health and preventing disease of dogs and cats, as well as for special nutritional requirements.

- It is important that there is enough time left for the conversation with the owner. I want to offer both animals and owners a non-urgent veterinary service, where the main focus is on preventive health care and advice. Instead, I try to direct patients who are in poor health or who require more extensive examinations directly to the clinic based on the reason for the visit, which requires an active review of appointments in advance and, if necessary, a telephone conversation with the owner, says Laukkanen.

Information at your fingertips

Provet Cloud has been in use at the Tammisto clinic since the beginning. That's why it was natural to use the same software when opening new clinics. A template found to be good is easy to duplicate, when the same products, services and templates can be copied to a new clinic. This speeds up system deployment considerably.

In Peten Eläinlääkäripalvelut, Provet Cloud is used for appointment and visit registration, inventory accounting and reporting. Initially, all clinics had the same specifications in the system, but over the past year, location-specific customizations have been made regarding operating methods and visit texts. An easily customizable user interface is one of Provet Cloud's strengths. The user interface is constantly being developed, making user-specific customizability even easier.

- From Provet Cloud, I can see the customer's background information, the prices of the procedures, what they include and instructions for taking samples. There are many standard texts and take-home instructions ready, templates and instructions are easy to edit in the text field. It is convenient when everything is in the same place, both medicines and laboratory results. It speeds up the work process, says Lahti veterinarian Talvi Neeme (pictured).

- Different people and different clientele work in different cities. It is important that the software is flexible. And since there are so many possibilities in the software, it is good that you can get quick answers from customer support, praises Laukkanen.

Read more about the easy-to-use management system for veterinary clinics www.provet.cloud.


Check out Pete's veterinary services: www.petenkoiratarvike.com/elainlaakari/

Author (original article in Finnish): Kati Halonen, Polyquality Oy.


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